Monday, June 30, 2014

Fire and ice

Inferno blazing stars burst forth at the heart of my being
Fury such as hell and heaven have never known.
A wind reeks of ash and brimstone blowing from self-righteous nostrils.
There's a special corner in the depths of suffering reserved.
A table for the miscreants of this Wagnerian Soap Opera.
Reserved under the name payback is a bitch. 
My vengeance won't be the literal blows of fists.
It won't be quick or merciful.
Compassionate and sad, but not kind or benevolent.
There is no beatifying what you've done. 
Give it back damn you.
Pay me back for the years of unpaid overtime
Your check is due and there's a balance owing.
The interest is compounding and growing a malignant army.
You'd do well to heed me while you can.
Life is a gift given freely, so I can't thank you for it.
Judge and jury convicted and tried.
Sentencing awaits your choice.
But then I look at you.
Pathetic and scared, maddened by the misbegotten creations of your lunacy.
Sirs, this man already serves a penance far harsher than any this court could mete.
Let him go.  Your verdict is to live.
Laden down with guilt and regret.
Tearing about everything that you love.
All your hands touch shall putrefy
The fruits of your labors rot on the vine.
Stay here forever gazing into the mirror of your folly.
Knowing the only hope of parole requires your cooperation and honest.
There is no bedeviling yourself with lies. 
There is no running from the truth in our eyes.
Decay and rot away on the refuse heap of rejects.
Now all smell the stench and corruption.
Beauty may be only skin deep, but ugly runs down to the bone.
Your hideous soul is on billboard display for all to see.

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