Monday, August 16, 2010

Days of rest are much needed

So, I had several realizations yesterday. I really enjoy taking a day off of my "routine." I think that any pattern no matter how beneficial needs to be broken up from time to time or that becomes our new comfort zone. I really like going without blogging, artist pages, and my abundance exercise for a day a week. Meditation is still a must no matter what, but skipping the rest gave me a new relish to do it when I woke up this morning. The second insight occurred in regards to a particular person in my life. I realized that unconditional love means accepting them exactly as they show up for me even if that isn't necessarily how I WANT them to show up in my life. I realized that by staying in this unconditional place without any expectations and constraints allows me to be happy no matter the outcome. I realized too that I need to stop using excuses to get out of things I don't want to do. I think it will be much better if I say straight up: "not interested." Plain and simple. Haha. That all being said, I'm stoked for Seattle. Here's another new song I wrote. Thought I'd share it here! (Well, here are the lyrics)

Rip Van Winkle

Vs. 1
Go back to sleep
Against the ancient oak
Forget your worries
Neath a blanket of leaves
Sleep till all's changed
Sleep till the world's become new and strange

Dreams offer escape from the chaos
Sleep entices with it's obliviating touch
Turn back over with a tired sigh
Why struggle to live when you've found peace?
A blanket, red and gold; brown and orange
Given so generously by Mother Earth
Welcome tired pilgrim to journey's end
Long we've waited for Man to find us again

Vs. 2
Primal rebirth to the wild
Overgrown frosty beard, tangled with twigs
Former friends don't recognize
A face free of care
Sleep's made its change
Sleep's made you someone new and strange

I'll follow Rip Van Winkel
Lay down my heavy woes
Be cleansed by virgin rains
Freed from Adam's chains.

Dreams offer escape from the chaos
Sleep entices with it's obliviating touch
Turn back over with a tired sigh
Why struggle to live when you've found peace?
A blanket, red and gold; brown and orange
Given so generously by Mother Earth
Welcome tired pilgrim to journey's end
Long we've waited for Man to find us again

I've gone to sleep, perhaps I'm dead.
No, I sense new life is woken in me instead.

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