Monday, May 17, 2010

Insight and Poem of the day (and a challenge!)

Let's start with the challenge today! I'm doing this blog for my own creative growth, true. However, I also envision other people joining in meditation/prayer and daily creativity. Whether you are a painter, a writer, a singer, a sculptor, or anything else I invite you to join me! Meditate or pray for however long you can fit into your schedule and take on creating one thing a day. It could be one drawing, it could be that you play one song a day on the piano, it could be that you dance for 15 minutes a day. Whatever it is, do it! See what happens... I'd love to hear how it goes for you! Feel free to comment on my blog and let me know!

Now, the insight. I woke up today feeling something interesting. I felt like I was a vast empty desert inside. The feeling wasn't good or bad really. It just was. I was like I just am. Those are the closest words I can find to approximate the sensation. I wonder how much of what I thought was me was just background noise running in my head. Maybe this emptiness is closer to the truth? I don't know. All I know is that the world seems to be going slower today, the colors seem more sharp and real. Sounds seem to be clearer and more complex. I guess I will be with the emptiness today and see what happens.

And the poem... I feel like today is a haiku day. The world's shortest poem ever but capable of conveying such eloquent simplicity.

The air is balmy
Fragrant flowers entice me
This happiness, free.

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