Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today, I wanted to talk about feeling wounded or broken. I think we all go through it from time to time. What occurred to me as I was meditating this morning is that too often we emphasize our broken nature, our wounds, our scars. We lament the fact that we weren't born to better circumstances. If only life had given me these circumstances, I would be where I wanted to be today. This is all a lot of hog wash. We are where we are, and there isn't some magic formula out there that would guarantee a perfectly happy life. Sometimes we forget to celebrate all that we are. Sure, we all have wounds and pain, but we also all share joy, passion, life, and happiness even if only some of the time. Self-exploration is an excellent thing that serves us greatly. If it weren't for the things unwanted, we couldn't know what we wanted. In fact, without the unwanted (wounds) to look at, we wouldn't be able to ask for the improvement which leads to growth and expansion. What doesn't serve us is to continually identify with our wounds and to form our identity around them. I personally have been delving into my wounds around the subject of love. What I realized this morning is that it is wonderful to be aware, and now that I'm aware, it's time to start telling a different story. So, I'll say it here... I and we are all born fully worthy of love and fully capable of love. It is our job to rediscover constantly how to go about receiving and giving more love. It was liberating to realize this....

I saw her standing perfectly
Like a greek statue.
There was a wild look in her eyes,
A joyful lust for life.
Her smile was enigmatic as a Zen Koan.
It lured me in and taunted me at the same time.
Ocean of thought and emotions,
Pull me under again to her watery embrace.

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