Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reflections and another Poem

Today, I have been thinking about action versus allowing. Being versus Doing. Meditation is an act of being. You don't really do anything. Yet, despite the lack of action around meditation, I have noticed profound shifts in my life. I feel like the tempo of the symphony of my life just went from Prestissimo to a nice laid back Adagio. I no longer feel a need to really do anything. Yet, the doing shows up anyways. I find that my doing less actually does more. Too often I think we use doing as a tried and true tool to bludgeon life. If I just push hard enough and long enough, I'll get what I want. Maybe or maybe not! What if it could be easier? What if being was enough? It seems to me that when I'm being happy/positive/optimistic/hopeful/expectant around life, that life just happens as if by magic. The right people and circumstances align. The money is there. The next and the next and the next step keep lining up. The moment I try doing before I'm in that happy place, it seems like every step is a struggle. I'm scaling a mountain dragging a ton of bricks behind me. It could be the very same action but when I'm happy I feel light and free. I've a sneaking suspicion that we've all been bamboozled. The joy of life doesn't lie in the having of things, the attaining of power, the attaining of wealth, the attaining of fame. I have a feeling that the joy of life simply lies in the journey. The journey may lead to fame or obscurity, but either way when we are present to it, there is joy to be had in every step of the way. My intention is to be more and do less.

In a drop of rain
Lies pleasure or pain.

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