Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thought and another poem

Today as I meditated, I used a mantra: I know and love myself. What I realized is that up to this point I largely defined myself in terms of others: their perceptions of me, their opinions of me, the things they liked about me, the things they didn't like about me, etc. Meditation provides a space to set aside what we think we know about ourselves and go deeper. I am finding that who I am is so much bigger, richer, fuller than who I thought I was. Life before regular meditation seemed frustrating, hard, and complicated. Now, life seems much simpler. Action leads to action leads to action leads to inspiration leads to action... What was aimless wandering through the forest is fast becoming trailblazing. Now, poem time! Incidentally, my poem came to me during my 30 minute morning meditation.

Bee oh bee can you tell me why?
That you think you have the right to fly.
The scientists all agree you shouldn't
In terms of physics, we've shown you couldn't.
Yet there you go humming along
Obliviously singing your industrious song.
Perhaps you missed that important lecture
Perhaps you laugh at our endless conjecture.
Whatever the case you fly away
Maybe we can learn from you today
To set aside the opinions of others
To forget what we've learned from fathers and mothers.
The limits may just be in our view
If we could believe, maybe we'd fly like you.

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