Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thoughts for today...

I was thinking today about how magnificent my body is. It is a perfect functioning complex machine. Scientists are learning more and more everyday, but still it remains an enigma. I love this gift to me from the Universe, from God. What an experience. I was overcome today by the amazing beauty of my own body and how poorly I've treated it in the past. I actually looked in a mirror for the first time ever and thought: "Wow, I'm beautiful." Not in a vain way, not in an ego-driven way to compensate for any feelings of insecurity. I was just enjoying my own unique beauty. There has never been anyone on this planet that is exactly like me, nor will there be ever again. That is just incredible! How could I not recognize the beauty of that? How could I not see how beautiful and perfect I am?

There is perfection in every freckle, flaw, and bauble.
Look in the mirror and see it for what it is.
To do otherwise is to spit in the face of the greatest gift giver ever.

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