Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What a beautiful fall...

I felt so blessed today as I cruised all over town on my bicycle. It truly was a magnificent day in Salt Lake City. My thoughts today center around what I have been learning from studying permaculture. Basically, permaculture is a theory of living that involves creating as close to natural systems as possible to alleviate the work required to maintain them. The idea is that nature maintains itself perfectly. In particular, they talk about passing on what you don't need and not hoarding an excess of anything. That really got me thinking. How quick am I like most people to throw things I feel I don't need away? I really want to start implementing this practice in my life. I was actually thinking how cool it would be if I got rid of my garbage can altogether. What if I started using only materials I could recycle? What if I composted all the remnants of my produce? Hey, I won't change the world just by this alone, but I will most surely change my world. So, I vow to start working my way towards zero impact on the environment. One thing that will be rough is the cat litter. I'll have to think how to go about phasing out that waste. Life is certainly beautiful! Let's keep the world beautiful!

I'm only a drop in ocean, but a drop can overflow the levy.
I'm only a needle in a hay stack, but that needle can tip the balance.
Why try to change what others do?
Why not start by changing you?

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