Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bucking the current or floating downstream

Today and yesterday I had some interesting experiences of trying to control the uncontrollable. I was at my bank waiting to deposit a check so I then could catch trax and go to my voice lesson. Unfortunately for me, there was a customer who wouldn't leave the front counter and two people in front of me in line with what appeared to be all the checks for their businesses from over the Holiday weekend. Great! I totally missed my trax and was super peeved. Well, the irritation proved to be unfounded. I still was 5 minutes early to my voice lesson. Oh boy did I feel silly. I even accidentally forgot to grab my trax printout so I had to buy a second one. The second instance of trying to control the uncontrollable was biking out to yoga today. I literally hit every red light on my way over! Ahhh. I couldn't believe it! I decided this time to not fight the current. I missed the yoga class. No big deal. I have other things to do: this blog, sitting and chilling in the park, my Calling the One Activities, and other random stuff. So, I'm going to Kim Lynn's stiffer bodies instead. No big deal. I learned yesterday that I can't control the uncontrollable. If I had just relaxed at the bank, I still could have been on time without all the added anxiety and stress. Totally unnecessary by the way. So poetry time.

I can't win can I?
I'll never make you see.
Might as well put a hole through this wall.
At least I'd have something to show.
I can't destroy you.
I can't unmake you.
It seems the more I fight you, the stronger you get.
Perhaps I just need to surrender and give it up.
Maybe later, for now my pride wins over.

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