Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Staying centered and calm amidst chaos

I woke up a little late this morning. I had an appointment to be at sooooo I opted to do my meditation on the trax. 15 mins on my way out. 15 mins on my way back in. What a trip! I know I'm not centered, but I had no idea to what extent till I tried to meditate amidst the cacophony of conversations. I literally was refocusing every second it felt like! This is meditation though. This is our life. We are never listening, we are never present. We are all lost in our thoughts. Today was an excellent reminder of that. It's easy to zone in and quiet your mind in the silence of your bedroom. I happen to live in a very quiet apartment complex in the avenues. Now, put me in the middle of traffic or a busy trax. Where did my focus and presence go? Where is my neutrality now? Meditation isn't a way of life, or lives are a walking, moving meditation if we'd see it that way.

Chatter, blab, avoid.
Talk to make yourself real.
Keep busy to avoid how you feel.
Consume to quench your thirst.
Poor hamster in your wheel.
Each lap is a year of your life.
Never free to rest till you die.
Then back to the wheel in an instant.
Maybe it's bigger, shinier.
Still, you're running a rat race.

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