Monday, July 19, 2010

20% of the way through my year of meditation

It has been an interesting ride thus far. I have realized and learned many wonderful things from my meditation practice. Also, writing a poem every day no matter how trite or short has helped me to realize that being a writer isn't so much an accomplishment or action as it is a state of being. I am grateful for my practice. It helps to keep me grounded and happy. Meditation isn't always easy, but it seems at the most difficult points in life that I gain the greatest benefit from my practice. I like to think of it as a quick time out from reality or pressing the cosmic pause button. I don't think it's about arriving anywhere, but rather about the journey. I know that I have been much happier than I ever have been and more stable and grounded. That alone makes this practice worth it. Ok, poem time!

Crushing, chewing, smacking, biting teeth and tongue devour the banquet.
A hunger deeper and more empty than space consumes me.
I would devour everything in my path in the hopes of being full.
This emptiness and hunger can never be filled it seems though.
I could consume the universe and still it wouldn't be enough.
No, this emptiness needs to just be ok as it is.

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