Monday, July 19, 2010

Lessons on compassion and patience

Today taught me patience and compassion in a big way. Sometimes, life or those in our life present us with a particularly strong bit of contrast. It may even seem deeply personal and directed as an attack. I remembered today, thank God, that nothing is truly personal. People are all living in and creating their own interpretation of reality. It's not someone else's job to behave in a way that makes me feel good: it's my job to wrap my head around what they are doing in such a way that I can feel good about it. Sometimes, this may seem impossible from where we sit. We may think there is no way to feel good about a set of circumstances or a person. That is when moving up the emotional scale comes in handy. Sometimes our access to feeling better is revenge. Sometimes, it may be anger. It doesn't mean we have to act out of these emotions, rather it means we get to play around in them a little bit. Usually, quicker than not, the anger gives way to forgiveness and compassion. We suddenly see things from a different perspective. I personally had a reminder that I can't control anything another person does, period. So, why get upset when they do something I don't like? So, that was a good reminder that is always my decision to be upset about something or let it go. Also, it reminded me that no one can do anything to hurt or upset me. It's always my choice. Thank you for this lesson!

Scarlet letter
Upon my back
Scarlet letter
Etched in black.

Blame me for everything
I'll be scapegoat.
As long as it helps you feel better.

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