Thursday, July 8, 2010

The art of telling a different story...

I love how today feels. I feel so open and happy. I realized talking to a guy on my way out to teach that life is really about telling a different story. You can't look at what is and expect to get anything different than what is. I've seen the truth of that with my voice studio. I can't wait to see how visualizing a different story will affect other areas of my life. Ahhh. Life is so good at the moment! I can't even describe how good... I feel so fortunate and blessed to know what I know. If I want anything, the universe can provide it. That is reassuring indeed! I even experienced this with my voice. I realized that if I visualize my voice functioning in a balanced manner, than it will do so. I need to spend time pretending that my voice is balanced and free to make that manifest in my life. It's not that my voice isn't balanced already, I just know that I will always be looking for greater and greater balance with my voice. Like life, my voice will never reach a point that it is "done." That's exciting! The adventure of life after all is expansion. I didn't come here to sit on a stump after all. Ok! Poem time.

I sit down on the stained and weathered bench.
Next to me is a man with brilliance in him.
His story goes largely unheard.
Like a diamond caked in coal, he is unseen.
Few can see past his rough exterior at the brilliant soul that lies within.
I see it. I don't feel pity for this man. I feel inspired.
The alcohol can hide the shine.
The story he tells can distract the world, but not me.
I will always see him as perfect and whole.
I will always see his disenfranchised brothers as franchised.
Humanity is more the same than different.
I don't mind listening to his story.
It doesn't change what I perceive.
The potential isn't wasted or lost. It is expressing itself in its own way.

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