Monday, July 5, 2010

Morning thoughts...

I typically don't write this blog first thing in the morning, but that is how it worked out today. I sit here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about life. I think not with fear but with joy about what is ahead of me. I feel in some ways that I have unlocked secrets for myself. I'm so blessed to have undergone the recent changes I have undergone. Life is not always easy, but it has a way of giving us exactly what we need to grow into who we want to be. I never thought I would say this, but I'm grateful that I've been so alone lately. Aloneness is an amazing gift. I have clarified so many things in my time alone and the space away from others. That is a very, very good thing. Creativity and insight have bubbled up when no one is around. I'm grateful for having my own magnificent apartment. Yesterday was my day alone and it was magnificent. Well, mostly day alone. I used to be so afraid of being alone, so uncomfortable. Now, I wear it like a second skin. I think all of us are happier when we can just be with ourselves. So glad I learned this one so young!

A single drop drips down the glass
Salty, salty tear of regret.
Lamenting that it isn't more, isn't different.
So what? Maybe it shouldn't be more.
Things have unfolded as the have
And who am I to argue with reality?
Sometimes, I wonder if this isn't the source of misery.
Sometimes I'm sure it's the source of our misery.
Go like a lamb before the slaughter.
Something tells me my surrender can save me yet.
There is no death, only rebirth into another form.
Endless chances to play another role.
So, since time is on my side, I'll just choose
Without the fear or choosing wrong
Because I have an eternity to get it right.

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